9 Tips on Magnifying Your Career

1. Network

Through social involvement and professional networks, you recognize a wide range of opportunities that are available to you. You get access to information about job positions that are available and know about companies and what is going on within them.

2. Helping Hand

Whenever someone asks for help, do not dismiss it lightly. Often, professional interactions work on a “You help me and I will help you” basis and so helping others professionally often set yourself up for the future when you need a favor done.

3. Mutual Benefit

It is often much easier to convince people to do things if there is a mutual benefit there. It opens the doors for working on things together and is usually very profitable financially. Having an eye for the mutual benefit than personal benefit is more beneficial.

4. Blogging

A blog is a great way to add a little to a career. If you are a professional consider writing a blog about your profession or something that you enjoy. If you are good at something, consider writing a ‘how-to’ blog on that area of expertise.

5. Teaching

Consider a part-time teaching role in the area of your profession. Teaching people is often very rewarding because you are helping to enlighten people. It also acts as a proof that you know what you are talking about. It shows that you’re willing to give back what you’ve benefited from through your life.

6. Moonlighting

Consider setting up a small online business. The aim of this is not necessary to make it a big company but rather just to add a little extra income though you never know – it might be incredibly successful.

7. Social Media

This is often a great way to share what you know or provide some interesting facts for people. It often comes with certain benefits, as it can create a fan following. This can be used both for networking and crowdsourcing. If what you do is particularly successful, you can make a little money from it.

8. Updated Resume

This provides you with a current and useful tool so that you are immediately ready for any positions that come up.

9. Donations

Consider doing something for welfare. It not only looks great on the resume but is also enjoyable to do. You meet interesting people, have a good time and do some good in the world in the process.
